Cargo Motors network has grown throughout north and west India with over 70 sales and service outlets over Delhi, Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan.
Our skilled service team ensures that businesses can keep their vehicles in optimal condition, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
Innovation at Cargo Motors is about pioneering customer service processes that streamline your experience. From simplified buying procedures to efficient service appointments, we continuously refine our operations to make your journey with us smooth and hassle-free.
With over six decades of experience in the Automotive sector, our dealership has extensive industry knowledge. We understand the specific need and challenges faced by customers, allowing us to provide tailored recommendations to our customers.
At our automotive dealership, we take immense pride in our seasoned and highly skilled professional team. Comprising individuals with extensive experience in the automotive industry, our team is the driving force behind our success.
Ethics and professionalism are nonnegotiable at Cargo Motors. Choosing Cargo Motors means opting for a seamless ownership experience where honesty, transparency, and ethical business practices are the foundation upon which all transactions are built.
Our customer-centric approach places the customer at the forefront of all business activities, and aims to create a seamless and satisfying experience for every customer, from the moment they step into the showroom to long after they drive off with their new vehicle.