Cargo Motors

Cargo Motors - Driven by customer satisfaction
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The AMC Service from Tata Motors Limited is known as Suraksha and it ensures that the customer can focus entirely on his core business while leaving work related to vehicle maintenance to the experts at Cargo Motors.

For details on pricing please reach out to our team.

On-site Service
  • All preventive maintenance services as stated in OSB.
  • Change of lubricant, filters and other scheduled parts replacement as mentioned in OSB.
  • Preventive checks, minor repairs and adjustments.
Workshop Service
  • All labour as well as parts required for mechanical/electrical repairs.
  • All major aggregate overhauling – Engine, Gearbox, Differential.
  • All servicing of ancillary parts like alternator, starter, fuel pump.
  • All maintenance services as stated in OSB.
  • All lubricant filters and parts replacement as mentioned in OSB on scheduled services.
  • All major aggregate overhauling – Engine, Gearbox, Differential.
  • All servicing of ancillary parts like alternator, starter, fuel pump.
  • All maintenance services as stated in OSB.
  • All lubricant filters and parts replacement as mentioned in OSB on scheduled services.
  • All labour charges for servicing and mechanical/electrical repairs.
  • All labour for major aggregate overhauling – Engine, Gearbox, Differential.
  • All servicing of ancillary parts like alternator, starter, fuel pump.
  • All scheduled maintenance services as stated in OSB.
  • All lubricant, filters and parts replacement as mentioned in OSB on scheduled services.
  • All labor charges for servicing and mechanical/electrical repairs.
  • All labor for major aggregate overhauling – Engine, Gearbox, Differential.
  • All servicing of ancillary parts like alternator, starter, fuel pump.
*OSB (Owner’s Service Book)