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Tata Zippy

Commercial Vehicles



TATA Zippy – Compensation for Delayed Delivery
To gain customer confidence by minimizing vehicle downtime during repairs at dealers or Tata authorized service stations, Tata Motors offers a delay-based compensation.

This compensation applies to all new commercial vehicle repairs for models used in civil applications. It is valid for vehicles reporting to Tata Motors authorized commercial vehicle workshops within 12 months from the date of sale or 14 months from the date of production, whichever is earlier.

The repair time commences once the job card is generated and repairs are agreed upon with the customer.

If the vehicle repair time exceeds 48 hours, compensation will be provided in 24-hour increments beyond the initial 48 hours (no pro-rata settlement). This compensation will be given in the form of Tata Genuine Parts and Prolife coupons. These coupons are redeemable at any Tata Motors authorized commercial vehicle workshop for vehicle service and can also be used for fitting Prolife branded products.

For further details please contact us 1800 120 1959 or read more.

*Terms and Conditions apply

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